Personalized Coaching

Our team is here to help if you’ve never exercised before or for those who want to take their fitness to the next level. Personalized training often consists of some private coaching plus group offerings to maximize results and value at the same time!

Reach your goals, Cleveland!

The fastest way to reach your personal goals is to have a plan developed with your personal coach. At any level, this is the best option for those that are serious and committed to their goals. At CTOWN, we always adapt your personal program to your changing needs. We focus on establishing personal connections in a positive environment. We help you make realistic goals and then form a plan of how to achieve them utilizing a combination of custom designed workouts which can be in-person or remote/virtual and group training sessions. Our personal trainers will also help you with your diet, nutritional guidance and meal plans.

Personal Training Services Include:

  • Comprehensive assessment
  • Goal setting support
  • Ongoing nutrition and lifestyle optimization support
  • Minimum of 1-6 custom designed workouts per week based on goals and ability
  • May also include some CTOWN group training sessions when appropriate
  • Weekly review and feedback from coach based on logged training, sleep and nutrition results
  • 2 training video reviews and feedback per week
  • Quarterly 1-on-1 reassessment and planning session
  • Training can be done at CTOWN or remotely

Example Personal Focus Areas

  • Muscle Gain / Fat Loss – Improve body composition through nutrition and lifestyle management.
  • General Physical Preparedness – Focus on living a longer, healthier, more fulfilling life.
  • Competition Prep – Taking GPP to the next level; focus on competition performance.
  • Strength – Increase absolute strength in all squatting, pressing and pulling movements.
  • Endurance – Prep for a marathon/triathlon or just improve general cardio respiratory endurance.
  • Olympic Weightlifting – Improve explosive power and technique in snatch, clean & jerk and derivative movements.
  • Gymnastics – Improve body weight control and strength, anything from first pull-up to more advanced skills.
  • Mobility – Improve the range of motion of all major joints; move well before moving fast or heavy.


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